Emulate, fix or create fallbacks of css features.
Manipulate colors using the CSS Colors Module Level 4 syntax
Adds support for `calc() function (only in cases when can be resolved)
Adds support for @custom-media
Adds support for @custom-selector
Generate the css fallback for browsers supporting old syntax of flexbox (webkit and explorer).
Adds support for :matches()
Adds fallback for rem
values in pixels.
Use variables in the CSS with the w3c standard syntax
Generates the css fallback for webkit browsers supporting the old syntax of css gradient.
Adds automatically all vendor prefixes needed. Uses the caniuse database to keep the prefixes updated.
Generates the css fallback to support the new syntax of Media Queries Level 4
Generates the css fallback to support the font-variant property using the more compatible font-feature-settings
Fixes automatically some well-known browsers issues like opacity, pseudoselectors, min-height, resolution mediaquery, etc.
Emulate some features that may be added to css in a future.
Css optimization and other features
To emulate some features in old Internet Explorer using -ms-filter
Emulate the rgba()
background in Internet Explorer 8 and lower using ms filters
Emulate the linear-gradient()
background in Internet Explorer 8 and lower using ms filters
Emulate the CSS 2d transformations in Internet Explorer 8 and lower using ms filters